Depression Fact & Myths
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ALERT!!!! Any person who talks of making a specific plan for suicide is at great risk. This is a true emergency; seek medical attention immediately. Call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room.

Separating Fact from Fiction

Myth: Talking about your depression only makes it worse.
Fact: Talking about your feelings (especially suicidal thoughts) may help a friend or family member recognize the need for professional help. By experiencing friendship and uncritical support, the person may be more willing to seek the help they so desperately need.

Myth: Depression is a shameful disease, which should be hidden.
Fact: Depression is not a moral deficiency! You did not choose to suffer from depression. You need not feel shame or embarrassment. Would you feel ashamed to have high blood pressure? Or diabetes? This is a condition that unfortunately has a social stigma attached to it. Movies and books portray depression in many negative ways.
YOU ARE NOT have a real illness.

Myth: A person on the road to recovery is never suicidal.
Fact: Even under medication and the care of a doctor, suicide is an ever-present danger. While deeply depressed, you may not have the energy to plan and carry out a suicide attempt. But once the medication begins to have an effect on your depression, you go through a period of time where you simply feel more capable and now have the energy to carry out a plan of suicide. Help your friends and family be alert for this by educating them on these facts. Talk to your doctor at the first sign of these destructive thoughts.

Education is the key. Never be afraid or ashamed to ask questions. Ask your doctor or therapist when you need answers. Search the Internet and the library for articles and books about your illness. Share this information with family and friends. Knowledge is power and one of the keys to beginning the journey to wellness.

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